Lodging at Rancho del Rio
The Adventure Team Challenge Colorado will be hosted at the Rancho del Rio Resort, 22 miles northeast of Eagle. This rustic resort is located along the Colorado River at 6,800 feet elevation. Access is along Trough Road, an all-weather gravel county road from Colorado State Highway 131 to the west, and Colorado State Highway 9 to the east.
There is no Internet or cell service at Rancho del Rio. The closest cell service is located several miles to the south, along Colorado State Highway 131 near Interstate Highway 70, and to the east near the town of Kremmling. There is a small convenience/country store a few hundred feet from the campsite, with one gasoline pump. Be sure to fill up your gas tank before leaving Interstate Highway 70.
Event Site Camping
During the Challenge, participants will be camping. There is plenty of space at the reserved campsite, with parking adjacent on gravel. Rancho del Rio has a large, grassy flat camping area with a few picnic tables. There is no shade at the campsite. The Colorado River is adjacent to the camping area, with the Union Pacific/AMTRAK railroad on the opposite bank.
There are pay shower facilities located near the cabins at Rancho del Rio, a few hundred feet from camp; the fee is $2 in quarters for four minutes. Please note these showers are not ADA accessible. In addition, World T.E.A.M. will have access to 3 cabins with showers for access on request.
Event Camping Gear
Tents, pads, and sleeping bags are provided by World T.E.A.M. for all participants and volunteers at no charge. Any accompanying family members are responsible for providing their own camping gear. Refer to our packing page to see an extensive list of what will be provided and what to bring.